Marketing Mindset

10 insidious traps that waste online entrepreneurs' time

10 Insidious Traps That Waste Online Entrepreneurs’ Time

As an online entrepreneur, you have to be wary of insidious traps that waste your time. These traps can rob you of your energy, focus, and time if you allow them. You need to know they exist, block them, and stay alert. These are 10 insidious traps that waste online entrepreneurs’ time and how to …

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6 ways to overcome the fear of failure in online business

6 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Failure In Online Business

As an online entrepreneur, failure is inevitable. You should note that failure is part of life, and this includes online business failure. However, the way you deal with it determines whether you succeed or not. Many people fail to start their online businesses because of fear of failure. These are six ways to overcome the …

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Building Success Out Of Failure

Turning Failure Into Success Do you remember the very first time that you did some slow dancing or the very first time that you did some line dancing or the very first time that you did some sort of organized dancing? I want you think about that in relation to success and failure: The very …

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How To Take Risks That Build Your Business

It’s crucial for an entrepreneur to know when to keep pushing on a project, business, vision… and when to change gears. One of the things that I’ve discovered about entrepreneurs (even in myself because obviously, I’m an entrepreneur): we come to a decision place and we ask, “Should I continue working on this? I’ve heard …

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Avoiding Learned Helplessness Through Personal Responsibility

How To Not Fall Victim To Learned Helplessness In Your Business There’s such a thing as learned helplessness, and this is often seem as a trait in people who come into this business in a state of desperation. With learned helplessness, you’re often rewarded for your victimhood. You have a sob story that showcases your …

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