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Increase Productivity To Reach Your Goals


Is Your Productivity Holding You Back?

Whenever I hear someone moaning about not reaching their business goals and start asking questions, productivity always seems to be at the root of the problem. While being your own boss has advantages, there are also pitfalls you must work diligently to avoid.

Many things can affect your productivity. In this post we are going to take a good look at some of the most common problems that affect productivity for digital marketers and how to fix them.

There is a huge danger of complacency when you get in a rut where you are never ever reevaluating. How it happens is a month, a year or three months go by and you are never ever looking back and reviewing for success or failure. A year from now you go, “I never actually attained my objectives.

There is this procedure of continuously asking, “Is this working?” I keep this in mind when composing the posts on this blog. The process goes much like this: I compose a short article, I put it online, and I most likely inspected it every 5 minutes to see if somebody had viewed it. Have you ever done that? You return and check it every five minutes to see if somebody had viewed your post and whenever you check it there is another view there, but you did not know that it was you due to the fact that you kept viewing it? Have you had anything occur like that? I envision that is what took place to me my very first day. I clicked my short article 35 times and I thought 35 individuals had viewed my post.

Tomorrow, I say “Great, I’m going to write another short article. The next day I’m going to write another one.” And after that, after 20 of them, I can look back at the statistics and say, “Which one got the most views?” Well, the one that composed on the first day! (That was a joke.) Seriously, you look and you return and see which one got the most views and you go,” Why, what is different? Was the subject line longer, was it shorter, was it a shorter article, was it a lesser short article, what is it, was a random opportunity?” You can say, “I don’t care if it’s random opportunity or not, I’m going to replicate this post and attempt for the next 20.” Then you do that and another one becomes a winner, but now that you have 2 winners, you can compare them side-by-side and say, “What’s the distinction in between these two winners and the other 38 losers?”.


After a while, you have the ability to make it work where over half of your short articles are winners. The exact same with videos, it’s likewise the exact same thing with creating new products. It’s the same thing with designing a clothes line. Perhaps you are in business of developing clothes and you do 20 pieces of clothing, then you take them to the regional market and 19 of them do not offer, however among them, you get adequate orders to keep you going for a whole year. Now, one thing that you can do is dump the other 19 or you could do what successful business owners do and ask yourself, “Why is this one selling and the other ones are not? What is different?” Why? Due to the fact that you need to fill that experience pail.

There is always a threat of letting time slip by. Because time does slip by. 8 hours in a day, gone. You recall at the day and ask, “What did I do. I do not know, I am uncertain.” The most convenient method to assess your eight hours and to understand what you did is to have a timer that goes off every 15 minutes that asks you what you are doing and you just write it down. At the end of the day you will be able to see what you are doing.


You know you worked hard, you have a tough work ethic, you were in the office, you were on the computer system, you logged the time, however you do not know what you did. The only way that you’re going to find out is that every 15 minutes or every hour, you write down what you did. You have to see time like a hawk.
You see, I think time management is a misnomer. We do not manage time, time happens. You get one minute that lasts sixty seconds and 60 minutes for each hour just like I do. You do not manage it either because management suggests that you can change it. You can not change time since one minute to you is the same one minute to me, we both get one minute and every hour we get 60 minutes, and in every 8 hour day, we get 8 chunks of 60 minutes.

Why do some individuals get more done in that time than other individuals? It is not due to the fact that some people are faster than others, it is not because some people think faster than others, it is not because anyone is handling time due to the fact that you are not handling time, you can not handle time. Time ticks on no matter what. What you can manage is your own actions during the time, you can state, “During the next 60 minutes of time I’m only going to deal with this.” If you are too easily lured away from your task, get software that will obstruct your computer that will not enable you to anything that sidetracks you.


Force your computer to not permit you to go anywhere that tempts you. Anywhere that wastes your time. You have to view time like a miser. You need to make decisions without hesitation. No matter what the sacred truths are, regardless of what logic you use, the thing that captures our attention and support, normally has deep emotion attached to it. We do not pursue anything there is no feelings connected to.

Tell yourself, “I no longer have a fear of failure, I do not care if I fail”. Because, if something isn’t working, it would just let me know what I did wrong so the next time I can do better. I do not have any worry of failure due to the fact that tomorrow I can do a better job.

These are a few small things you can do to get you closer to hitting your goals.
On the other hand if you would prefer to start smashing your goals…

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