Save Time When You Use PLR to Create Your Next Product
One of the quickest ways to create a product is to find, buy, and use private label rights (PLR) content. PLR is simply content that has been researched, written, and produced by a professional content producer who then distributes and sells it to multiple people who can use it for themselves, per the licensing.
Always read the terms of service for any PLR that you buy, but in most cases, you can use PLR to create a totally new product that you can sell any way you want to – other than as PLR. You can also typically use the product as-is to sell directly to your customers. You can also use the content to teach a class or as coaching materials for your clients directly.
Every PLR seller creates their own rules for what you can and cannot do with their product. Always read those rules before you buy it. Usually, inside the folder of the PLR you purchased, it will also have a licensing agreement. Make sure you keep that, too. Whenever you are not sure what you can do with it, you can check that out.
To create a product with PLR, the best thing to do is first think about the audience and what problem you want to solve for them. Think about what type of product they will need to accomplish what they’re trying to do. Then find that product in PLR form.
Once you locate the product, you have choices based on licensure, but here are a few ideas that you can use.
Use the PLR As Coaching Material
Anything that says “how-to” and is a topic that your clients need guidance on can become coaching material for you. You might redesign it to match your branding and change some of the terms used to match your voice, but most “how-to” things don’t really change much from author to author – unless you’re talking about something no one has ever heard before.
Host a Workshop
Workshops need to be shorter in duration than a full-on coaching stint, and sometimes that’s just what your customers want. Using one part of a coaching program to host a workshop is a great way to use PLR. For example, let’s say you found an eBook or course “How to Start a Business,” there are many different things inside that course that can be one workshop such as Branding. You can do an entire workshop just on Branding Your Business.
Sell an eBook to Your Audience
You can always buy PLR eBooks and in most cases, sell them exactly as they are without changing one thing, including the cover. However, it’s almost always best to change the branding to your own as well as edit it enough to sound like you. Either way, it’s a fast way to get helpful information to your audience.

Create a Membership Site
All that PLR you buy, if the licensing allows, can usually be added to your membership sites. If you stick to your theme, adding the information periodically to the membership site that you purchase as PLR can really build up your membership fast.
Host a Webinar
Any of the content that you find that you know is helpful to your ideal target audience can be used to plan a webinar. You can host webinars free, but you can also charge for them. A monthly webinar can even go with a membership site.
Create Videos from the Material
Repurposing written PLR into a new format can practically make it a brand-new product since you’re only using the stats, facts, and information. You will more than likely use the information to write your own script, so you don’t sound like a robot. The cool thing is you can even outsource this if you’re doing video demos with voice overs.
As you can see, you can do a lot quickly when you buy PLR. In fact, each piece of content you buy can become multiple products since you can easily change its form. An eBook can become a course, a course can become a group coaching product, a group coaching product can morph into a one-on-one coaching product, and so on.