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Strategies For Rapid Course Creation And Marketing

Mastering Rapid Course Creation

rapid course creation

Now that you have some ideas where you can get your content , it’s time to begin creating the course. Use these strategies to write and/or record your course quickly.

  1. Recycle old content/repurpose. Dig out your top-performing content from your blog, videos, webinars or trainings. Incorporate these into your course in a logical manner. Add new material, upgrade outdated sections and add value where needed. Build on what has already worked before.
  • Make small changes to PLR you’ve purchased. Add your story, an introduction, images, and whatever else to make it relevant to your topic.
  • Create an outline of your course. This works especially well if you are doing live video. An outline can make creating the course go quickly. For most types of content including text, video, or screensharing, bullet points will help you hit the points you want and questions you want to answer.
  • Drip feed your content. Create the first one or two module content then work on the rest while your students are learning the first sections. Just be aware of procrastinating and putting it off. You want to have your content ready before any student is ready for it.
  • Take one day to record all the videos you need. Then get them edited and ready to upload another day. The same goes for written content. Create all your templates, worksheets, workbooks or other handouts at one time.
  • Upload all your content at one time. This will save you time going back and forth between programs.
  • Create smaller lessons as compared to an eBook or other online training. People taking a course often are limited on time. They want courses that they can work on a little at a time.

Creating your course quickly is key to being able to have it ready to go within 7 days. Use these strategies to get your content done quickly.

Creating Engagement

While you are creating your content, you want to factor in ways to create engagement with your learners. There are many ways to accomplish that. Here are a few to consider.

  • Create a sense of community by having a Facebook group just for your course students. This is where they can ask questions, encourage each other and get feedback from you.
  • Create interaction with assignments. Creating tasks for your students to do each week helps create a personal experience and keeps them engaged.
  • Check in with your students through email. Set up emails to send out at certain points throughout the course to check in with students. Ask how they enjoyed a lesson, what they learned or what they need help with.
  • Have students answer questions in a provided workbook. They can then follow up with a specific lesson related to that question as well as in your community space.
  • Use gamification to increase engagement and add a fun element to your course. Gamify your course by using badges when students hit specific goals, challenges or make specific progress.
  • Use social sharing to increase engagement. Award badges when students complete sections or modules. They can click on a “share on social media” button to show off their progress.
  • Create quizzes for instant feedback. Create quizzes that motivate rather than make your students feel like their takin their college finals.
  • Use compelling stories in your content. People are fascinated by stories. One way to do this is creating your course with a choose your own adventure feel where the learning modules aren’t sequential but based on individual needs.
  • Create your course where the student is a character in the story and must follow clues throughout the course to find answers to problems.
  • Be available to your students outside the course. Give them a direct line of contact with you for questions they have about the course. This can be email, social media, or some other form of communication.

Add extra value by offering:

  • Free consulting
  • Live Q & A calls
  • Workbooks
  • Templates
  • Handouts
  • One-on-One Time
  • Group Access (set time & dates)

Implementing these strategies into your course helps you can create an online course experience that engages students and may help them complete the course.

rapid course creation

Easy Marketing Tactics

You can use many of the same marketing tactics for your course as you do in much of your other business. Here are some easy marketing tactics you can implement.

  1. Promote on your blog. Showcase it at the top of your website. You can use a plugin like Sumo or Hello Bar to display it in a top bar. Add it to your sidebar, in blog posts, and your About Page.
  • Do a video about the course and post on YouTube and social media.
  • Go live on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube daily to promote your course, providing added value.
  • Link to your course sales or info-page in your email signature with a short sentence about the course.
  • Promote it to your existing email list, social media followers and in your membership site if you have one.
  • Do interviews on podcasts and by others related to your topic. Add value to the listeners.
  • Create buzz from the beginning by doing a mini challenge such as a 2 day challenge, that leads to the main course.
  • Host a live webinar for people interested in your topic. Share some of the best free content.
  • Add your links to your social media profiles.
  1. Create a Facebook group and LinkedIn group around the topic.
  1. Comment by adding value on social media posts and groups you belong to. People will click on your profile where they will see the link to the course.
  1.  Share a graphic on Pinterest about your topic or course.
  1. Create an affiliate program for your course. Reach out and ask others who have similar audiences to promote your course in exchange for a percentage of the sales. This is one of the fastest ways to reach more people.
  1. Cross promote with your other products you are selling.
  1. Speak at local events and promote it locally.

These are just a few of the ways you can market your course. You can use a almost any of the ways you market your business to create buzz about your course.

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