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Making Your Offer Irresistible

Getting Your Offer Right

There are many aspects that go into writing an effective piece of sales copy. You want to get everything right. You want copy so effective that your target audience just can’t help but buy it.

Something a lot of people miss when it comes to writing copy is the most part of the whole process is the offer itself.

You can have the best sales copy ever, but if your offer isn’t good enough, then people may get all the way down to the bottom of your sales letter, but they won’t buy.

Or, you might have horrible sales copy, downright painful to read, but still make sales anyway to those who bravely make it to the bottom and see how great your offer is.

Bottom line: you want people to BUY.

In fact, the perfect execution would be that your offer is so good, the rest of the copy is practically superfluous. You want people to see your offer and buy right away, without even looking at the sales page copy because they can’t resist your offer.

How Does Your Offer Stack Up?

Is your offer so good that people won’t want to pass it up?

Yes, it’s important to have great copy and to use the psychology of sales when writing copy. But, the real test is can your offer stand alone and still convert well?

your offer

Think about your current offer. Are people blown away when they see all they’re getting? Bonuses can add a great deal to the value of a product if well matched to the main offer.

Want to sell more high ticket products? Wow people with everything that’s included in your offer. Add so much perceived value that it’s instantly visible that your offer is amazing.

You can also introduce scarcity to your offer to get people to take advantage of it. If your offer is in such limited supply that it will soon be completely gone, possibly forever, then many more people will take you up on that offer right away.

Countdown timers can be highly effective at establishing scarcity.

There are two different kinds of countdown timers. The original form, a date based countdown where the timer runs out at a specific date and time are most commonly used.

Countdown timers add highly visible scarcity to an offer. Prospective buyers can plainly see how long they have before the offer is gone, or the price goes up.

The downside of the traditional countdown timer is the need to periodically reset the timer to keep your offer open. This can become interesting if you don’t have alternate sales pages to display when your special offer ends.

An newer version of the countdown timer is called the evergreen  countdown timer. Evergreen countdowns simply reset to the amount of time first shown when the time expires.

The power of the evergreen timer is that the visitor has no idea what kind of countdown timer they are looking at, so they have to treat it as if it were time and date based.

Setting up an evergreen countdown timer with a one hour countdown will promote people to take action right away.

your offer

Creating Your Irresistible Offer

With all the noise online these days you need your offer to really stand out from others to be noticed. One great way to do that is to personalize your offer.

Personalizing your offer will make it stand apart from everything else similar out there. Personalizing your offer might include a short personal coaching session, allowing them to create a custom package to suit their needs, and things of that nature.

Take a hard look at your current offer.

Brainstorm about what enhancements might be appropriate for your niche. In some instances you may want to sell your offer at a super low price point and then pack it with value, more value than anyone else in your niche is providing. Look at this from the customers perspective. Look at what your competitors are doing, then raise the bar.

The object of this is to convince the potential customer that there is no reason to buy any other offer except yours.

Once you have figured this out and then incorporated that into an offer you will dramatically increase your conversion rates. This will work no matter what, even if you have crappy sales copy provided they understand the offer.

When it comes to the offer itself, you can directly compare what others are offering to your offer within your sales copy. This will further drive home the value of your offer to people.

Straight out tell them that no one else offers the same things you offer, especially for the small investment you offer it for.

Think about ways to make your offer better than any other offer that’s on the market. Then show your prospects how your offer is better than every other offer out there.

When you’re writing copy for your offer include all the elements you would normally place in a sales letter, and don’t forget to use the power of psychology and emotion in your sales copy. People like to rationalize a purchase logically, but the final determination on rather or not to purchase an offer is an emotional based decision for the majority of people.

Your end goal should be to massively increase the conversion rate on  your current sales copy and continue this for every bit of sales copy you write from there on.

To truly optimize your conversions split test different versions against each other and use the variations that convert the best to fine hone your conversions. Changing the wording of a section to be clearer or placing emphasis on an emotional aspect can further boost your conversions.

your offer

Don’t make big changes. Concentrate on a paragraph or section at a time until you have optimized your entire sales letter. Yes, it can take some time to get it right. The benefits of having a high converting offer far outweigh the effort required to fine tune it.

It Really Is All About The Offer

Let’s say your current offer converts at 4{495e61a8be0728ba5e4172c16a68a1b05f8df91b32cf783b0a6ac5a97f0ba813} for $10. You get 1,000 visitors a day to your sales page giving you 40 sales a day for a total of $400 a day in revenue. Raising your conversion rate from 4{495e61a8be0728ba5e4172c16a68a1b05f8df91b32cf783b0a6ac5a97f0ba813} to just 5{495e61a8be0728ba5e4172c16a68a1b05f8df91b32cf783b0a6ac5a97f0ba813} will give you another 10 sales and $100 more profit. All for the same amount of traffic you had been getting. In a month, that adds up to 300 more sales, and $3,000 more revenue. In a Year…
You get the idea.

As you can see from the example above your offer can have an incredibly large impact on your income. If your offer is truly solid, then the sales are going to come no matter what. On the other hand, if your offer stinks or you’re not able to frame it in the right way so that people understand what it is that they’re getting, the sales will be few and far in between.

Every component of your sales letter has an important role to play in the sales process. The headline really does matter on a sales letter.  Purpose of your headline is to capture your visitor’s attention in the first place. Your headline should be a call out to your target audience. Other components such as the story and bullet points serve to keep people’s attention focused on your message and stir their emotions.

Introduce the problem, hit on the pain it produces then offer them your solution. It’s vital to keep the potential buyer focused on continuing down the page long enough to actually see your great offer You never want them to be so bored that they simply click away before getting to your offer.

How good your offer really is what determines rather or not people will be clicking on that buy button and following through with their purchase. In the end, it’s all about the offer. Get your offer right and everything else will just fall in place.

If you pay careful attention to your offer and dedicate yourself to tweaking your offer to perfection, then your conversion rates will explode and you will earn far more every single time you release a new product.

Focus on your offer, refine your offer, perfect your offer.

That’s the basic formula for creating effective offers. Do this, and your reward will be earning great money no matter what it is you want to sell.

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