Best Practices for SEO Optimizing Images and Videos
Don’t forget about images and videos when optimizing your website for SEO. Optimizing them correctly is critical to increasing visibility in search engine results. Not only do appropriately optimized images and videos help boost your organic traffic, but they also make a massive difference in the user experience on your site.
Here are six best practices to follow for optimizing images and videos for SEO:
Add Alt Text to Images
Alt text stands for alternative text and describes the content of an image. Always include alt text because if the image doesn’t load, search engine crawlers can still read it and understand what the image was supposed to show.
Choose Relevant File Names
By choosing descriptive file names that accurately reflect the content of your images, you help increase your chances of being found in search results. Keep in mind that no spaces are allowed in file names, so words should be separated using hyphens or underscores instead.
Compress Your Images and Videos
Compressing images reduces their size, making them faster for viewers to download and improving their SEO ranking. You should also compress videos to ensure they don’t strain your website or server resources.
Optimize Your Video Tags
Optimizing your video tags helps YouTube and other search engines understand the content of your videos better. This will make it easier for users to find your videos in their search results. Some tags you should consider adding include the topic of your video, important keywords, length, and language.

Use Descriptive Captions
Adding descriptive captions to images and videos is another great way to improve their visibility in search engine rankings. Not only do captions provide additional context for viewers, but they’re also useful for keyword optimization, leading to higher rankings.
Share Your Content
Sharing your content across social media, forums, and blogs helps increase your reach and drive more organic traffic to your website. This will also help improve the visibility of your images and videos on search engine results pages.
Optimizing images and videos for SEO doesn’t have to be a daunting proposition; it just requires some thoughtfulness in presenting them so that they’ll stand out and be noticed in the ever-growing digital landscape. Then, with a little effort, you ensure your content is optimized for success and reap the benefits of increased visibility and organic traffic. So don’t let your images and videos go unnoticed: take some time to optimize them and get ready to see how quickly your website climbs up the search engine rankings.