How to Turn an eBook into a Video Course
Once you get started creating products, you’ll start getting ideas that you never considered before. Remember, your audience, while they share a lot in common, they learn in different ways. What attracts one portion of your audience may not be helpful for another. You can serve every member of your audience by redeveloping content that you’ve already created into something brand new by merely putting it into a new format.
You can use content that you have created already, but you can also use PLR (private label rights) content to accomplish this. Using a product that you have already written like an eBook, a report, or even a text-based eCourse, and turning it into a video course will not take you that long to do. You already did the research. Not only that, if you’ve already sold it, you may already have proof of concept. If it’s PLR, more than likely, it was created due to demand, so you can almost certainly recreate it into a video course and make money, assuming you can attract the right audience.

You can create the video course in a couple different ways. You can either film yourself teaching each module or parts of each module using a whiteboard, or you can record your screen showing the information and narrate what is happening.
You may need to update your facts and states while reorganizing a bit of information to make it fresher, but if it’s a text-based course that you’re turning into a video course, it’s straightforward. It may require that you simply record what the student was reading. It’s a little different if you’re using an eBook to turn into a course, as there will be more groundwork and organizing that needs to be done.
If it’s an eBook that you’re turning into a course, you’ll want to try to organize the chapters into modules. Develop a structure for what you want to include in each module of your course so that you know what to include. For example, you may want each module to include a short video, a handout, a slide deck, and a quiz. It’s up to you, but if you set up that structure, it’ll be easier to go through the book and create the outline of your video course, so you know what videos to make.
Once you have set up the structure, and you know which videos you need to make, you can either outsource that to a voice-over artist, or you can set up your recordings and get started. You can prerecord your videos, or you can pre-sell and create each module live the first time, then set them up to drip to future students.
The sky really is the limit when you realize that the content you already have, or private label content, can be used to teach your customers something in a new way without reinventing the wheel. The main thing is to create something amazing for your audience that they need and want that solves their problems in the way that they need them resolved. By recreating old content into something new, you’re giving your audience exactly what they want and need.