How to Research Slants for Your PLR Products
Have you ever bought a Private Label Right (PLR) pack and then not known what to do with it? I mean, other than the typical “use it as is” or “rewrite it with a spinner” advice you see being doled out.
PLR have enormous potential if you just learn how to tweak the slants of existing content. Some people may not fully understand what it means when I use the word “slant.”
A slant is the direction of a piece of content. For example, one slant could be “The Cabbage Soup Diet Is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight,” while another one might tout the dangers of being on the cabbage soup diet.
By knowing how to work with various slants, you can effectively turn one piece of content into an almost endless stream of writing for you. It helps you get the most out of your PLR purchases, too.
Using your PLR this way also helps you set yourself apart from the competition. While they’re using PLR as is, or spinning it into an unreadable state with poor technology, yours will be well written and more unique due to the additional slant data you’ve inserted.
Poke Holes in the Existing Slant
One slant is disagreement. Poking holes in the PLR that you buy IS a new slant. So don’t just go seeking PLR that you agree with – seek out that which you can disagree with.
Disagreeing with content can give you the perfect opportunity to showcase your personality and opinion (without offending the original author), and it helps you establish yourself as an expert with your own advice.
See If There Are Different Demographics for Your Topic
Demographics are the target audience you’re speaking to. So if the PLR you buy is a report about weight loss for women, take that content and turn it into a comparison article – how weight loss for women differs from weight loss for men.
Target the men in your audience. Or target couples – how to lose weight when your spouse is losing weight differently, etc. Add specific demographic elements such as:
- Gender
- Age
- Emotions
- Health
- Earnings…and more
So gender and age is pretty self explanatory. But what about the emotions, health and earnings elements?
Emotions can be added to certain information, such as depression. So what if you were using some PLR on the best careers for men and woman? You could turn that into the “best careers for depressed people.” (Yes, it’s an actual search result).
Or maybe it’s an exercise book. Exercises to help with depression might be a good option. Exercise for arthritis sufferers would be a good health slant. Even exercising without a gym membership for the earnings element.
So let’s say you bought a pack of PLR on Yoga because you have a yoga site. Think of everyone who could benefit from yoga and tweak your article to cover that.
- Yoga for kids
- Yoga for seniors
- Yoga for back pain sufferers
- Yoga for weight loss

To add the slant, simply add it in somewhere in your title, the introduction, once or twice in the body and at the end in the conclusion. So let’s say the article starts like this:
Yoga can be very beneficial for weight loss and serenity.
You just tweak it and say:
Yoga can benefit seniors by helping them with weight loss and providing serenity.
It doesn’t take much to tweak it, but sometimes you’ll want to add more verbiage to explain the connection. Of course, you want to read through the PLR and extract anything that is out of place once you’ve changed the slant.
Look at It From a Seasonal Perspective
Not everything can work like this, but many topics can. Take these niches:
- Cooking
- Dieting
- Depression
- Being Single / Dating
- Saving Money
What season can you tweak all of those different niches for? The holidays – Halloween through Christmas and the New Year. So if you have an article on cooking, tweak it for holiday cooking.
If it’s about couponing, tweak the article for Christmas savings. If it’s a product review PLR article about SAD (Seasonable Affective Disorder), tweak it for the holidays.
Check the News
Google News is great when it comes to delivering slant advice. Type in your niche or topic and click on the News tab. Look what’s in recent news:
So you could play this two ways. First, take your PLR about fad diet and prove your point with this new insight. Second, you could vehemently disagree with the findings and back up your opinion using the PLR about crash diets being harmful.
It’s easy to check Google or have alerts sent to your inbox, but also go out on the Internet and just do some manual searches to see how you can diversify your content.
You might even want to start an idea file for your niche of nothing but slants using news and grab the links to those news sites so that you can quote directly from them.
Utilize Keyword Tools
Keyword tools range from free to obscenely expensive. You can get many ideas that you wouldn’t have considered by using a tool that automates the brainstorming process.
Using the tool Power Suggest Pro, for example, you can use a placeholder to allow the tool to fill in that area for you. So, for example, I can put this:
- for dieters
I get tons of results. So if I have a diet site and PLR about dieting, I can grab a single slant idea and tweak it. One of the results I get back is: best breakfast food for dieters.
So there’s an idea! Even if the PLR is about sensible eating, all I have to do is tweak the title to say something like: The Best Breakfast Foods for Sensible Dieters.
Then keep everything that fits intact about sensible eating, but add an introduction, conclusion and a bit in the middle (maybe a bulletpoint list of 5 good breakfast foods) to the article to effectively alter the slant.
Check How Niche Products Are Slanted
Do a little sleuthing and then you can tweak the slant of your own PLR. Look on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as digital product platforms like ClickBank to see what people are selling.
So for instance, if I bought PLR for the Paleo Diet, and wanted to tweak the slant for the audience, I would type in “paleo diet for” in Amazon or elsewhere and it would pull up “weight loss” and “athletes.”
I also find it for “beginners,” for “autoimmune disease sufferers,” for “allergies,” and for “longevity.” Those are just deals I got from Amazon alone.
Again, tweaking requires the title alteration, and the addition of an introduction and conclusion that include the new slant.
If I go on ClickBank and type in Paleo, I also find that there are people who use the Paleo diet for sleep!

Try Combining Slants
You can also combine – or rip apart – slants. Combining is easy. You see this done all the time when people title their books like this:
Lose Weight, Sleep Better and Gain Energy in 14 Days!
You can find topics that work well together – maybe stress and money, or stress and health – and pair them up. So let’s say you bought a PLR article about stress.
It’s about 5 ways to alleviate stress after a hard day’s work. You can easily look at that and tweak it for stress and money or stress and health just by adding some language that addresses those issues.
If the article says to use visual imagery to alleviate stress, you can add information about imagining the pile of bills disappearing, or the aches and pains of stress subsiding.
Just a few words, phrases or sentences will be enough to do the trick. Finding slants is easy once you look at the PLR content as a flexible, moldable piece of information.
Don’t be afraid to save it under a new name and start playing around with it so that your original article is always intact if you ever feel like you’re not on the right track – or if you want to repurpose it for another slant at a later date.