Developing A Strong Mindset To Destroy Obstacles
Life is difficult to navigate and that goes without saying for everyone. High school, college, job applications, trying to get a promotion; it is all challenging. Trying to maintain a wholesome life, be it spiritually, financially, emotionally, and mentally stable is something that we all can identify with. To pull through all the hardships in life, we need to be resilient, and that all begins in the mind. There is a common saying that ‘build a strong mindset and the body will follow’. There are even books on it and that just goes to show us the power of the mind. With all the information you can come across when looking into the lives of people with strong mindsets and what is required to have a strong mindset, the running thread is how self-talk plays a crucial role in keeping one sane.
We all have it within ourselves to conquer all the doubt that we have. All the noise in our heads that does not speak to our growth as individuals can be quietened. All the ‘I cannot do it’, ‘I am not capable’, ‘what will people say’, and ‘I need to confirm whether that entails shrinking ourselves’ are things we have been saying to ourselves for too long and we now even believe them. All it takes to be strong-willed is a shift in perspective. Let go of all the self-doubt that you carry with you and focus on all the things that you have achieved in life thus far. We all have things that when we think back on we really cannot believe how we made it through because at the moment we saw the task ahead as mammoth. Use those moments where you have overcome your fears to fuel your confidence to overcome any challenges that you face.
The only thing that is standing between you and whatever it is that you want in life is your thoughts, and with training (yes you read that right; training) you can become the master of your destiny. Although it is hard to accept when things do not go according to your plans and expectations, having a strong mind makes it easier to gather lessons instead of focusing on failures. The beautiful thing about the brain and training is that it is all dependent on you. You get to decide if you want to be mentally strong or not. If you choose to invest in your brainpower you will reap the benefits.
As the saying goes, ‘if you think you can or can’t you are right’. So, why not choose to believe that you can. When you go into the world willing to learn and expect to be a conqueror that is exactly what you will turn out to be. If you go out into the world with the view that the world is your oyster and nothing is too great for you to achieve, you will always look at the world as a challenge you can conquer not a big bad wolf that is waiting to eat you up. Do not be your own obstacle only because you refuse to see just how great you are.
As I have already mentioned, forget the naysayers and focus on the things that will make you a better person. Take time to intentionally learn something whether it is playing chess or investing in a book about a subject you have always been interested in. It is good for your brain. Feed your mind not just mean figuratively. While it is good and well to affirm yourself and to be confident about your abilities, you need to eat food that will boost your brain function. It is difficult to think straight when you are fatigued and you have brain fog. That alone can leave you feeling like a failure. Invest in being a wholesome being and take care of the body that is carrying your biggest asset which is your brain.
The story of Mike Copland who finished his marathon race although he had fractured a fibula which turned out to be badly broken shocked many of us. When asked how he kept going despite the pain that he was in his words were, ‘It was painful but I thought I would keep going because if you stop it is hard to get going again’. This speaks to just how great the human mind is. Mike is not superman as there are countless stories of people who have done what we consider to be extraordinary. The secret seems to lie in how they approached the challenges that they were faced at that moment. We can all learn a thing or two from all these people, we all have greatness within us and if we choose to train and have the right attitude when faced with challenges we can overcome them. Chrissie Wellington says that ‘it is when discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all’. Take time to invest in your weapon.