Never Struggle To Create Email Content Again With These Simple Hacks
Repurposing and Curating
Repurposing and curating are both great ways to create content for your emails. Not only is it a quicker way to write content but it helps you build your credibility as being a trusted resource.
Repurposing is the process of using content you’ve already created. For example, if you do a video, you can repurpose that content into an email. Use a portion of the video along with a bit of text and you have an email.
Other types of content that can be repurposed includes
- PLR (private label rights) content you’ve purchased. Take portions of the PLR and use it to create a compelling email.
- Ebooks you’ve written. Use excerpts from the book to create a buzz in your email, teach them something or share a story from the book.
- Templates you’re using or have created. Share how you are using them or how they can benefit your reader.
- Webinars you’ve given.
- Podcasts you have. Share interviews you’ve given or been interviewed in.
- Portions of a talk you gave.
- Video transcripts. Pull out the transcript and share to your list.
Content curation is the process of adding your voice and value to a selection of other people’s content. This content can come from a variety of sources, around a specific topic. You publish it and share it with your added comments.
Content curation is a great way to build your authority. You’re bringing the information of others, their expertise, together in one place so your readers don’t have to go searching for it all over the internet. This helps you be seen as the go-to source for your audience about all things in your niche.
For emails, you want to keep the content shorter so don’t curate say, 10 pieces for one email. Instead choose two or three pieces to comment on. No matter what content you use, be sure to give a reference to the original content.
Types of curated content you can use include:
- Ultimate guides on a topic
- Roundups of content, videos, resources
- Case studies
- Best of (books, webinars, videos)
- Customer stories
- Top sites/experts
You can use tools to help you find curated content more easily.
- Buzzsumo
- (,
- Feedly,
- Hootsuite
Repurposing content and using curated content are both excellent ways to create email content quickly that relates to your niche. Done right, either method can help you get through a period of “what should I send my list today” slump.
26 Scenarios or Topics to Use
- Follow-up with an email after an interview as a thank you and to continue the relationship.
- You’re having an exclusive sale for readers.
- As a thank you for a recent purchase
- You have good news that’s relevant to the reader you want to share.
- Send them holiday wishes for Valentine’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, Happy Holidays or any other holiday.
- Share success stories, case histories or customer reviews your especially proud of.
- Let your readers know about upcoming events or webinars.
- Send them information about an event you’re sponsoring or taking part in.
- Tell them about milestone anniversaries your company is celebrating.
- Answer their frequently asked questions (FAQs).
- Relate a before and after story about how one of your products helped someone.
- Send them free resources that are useful to them.
- Present them with exclusive tips only your subscribers get.
- Show them what goes on behind-the-scenes at your office.
- Let them in on breaking news in your industry or with your company.
- Check in on them when they haven’t engaged recently.
- Give them a roundup of your best content from your blog.
- Send them to conferences or fundraisers you are attending.
- Talk about the weather if it’s impacting your business.
- Ask their input on a decision you need to make. Ask them to share their ideas.
- Create an announcement encouraging your readers to connect with you on your social media channels.
- Give your readers a sneak preview of a new line of products or some big improvements.
- Send a follow-up message. It can be a follow-up on some recent event or connecting with new customers.
- Let your readers in on updates of ongoing projects.
- Ask for feedback using online surveys.
- Celebrate holidays with them. Send them what’s happening during the holidays in your business, special sales and events you’re having or how you celebrate the holidays.
Other Reasons to Send Emails
There are plenty of other reasons to send an email. In fact, there aren’t too many reasons why you shouldn’t send an email to connect with your readers.
Here are several other reasons to send emails:
- Keep your subscribers up to date on industry news that might affect them.
- New product or service announcement emails help your subscribers be in the loop of what you have to offer.
- Let your readers know about last chance offers that you have going (or your affiliate products your promoting have).
- You goofed or made a big mistake, so send an email to let your subscribers know and how you’re rectifying it.
- Ask your readers for a referral or recommendation. If you don’t ask, most won’t remember to give them.
- Reminders to renew, attend, sign up or of a sale that’s about to end
- Send them information about similar products to the ones they’ve purchased. These cross-selling helps introduce them to your other products or services.
- To give them early bird access to sales, new releases, products or webinar access.
- Limited time reminders are great for readers who may have missed the first email.
- Introduce new employees, members, products or services to your readers. They are interested in what is new in your business.
- Appointment requests for qualified leads. You have their interest now ask for the appointment.
- You’re having an open house. Give it a name and invite your readers to take part.
- Send confirmation of an order received or a change in their password. Confirming their action reaffirms that you are aware of your readers.
- Send out an email offer a free gift for subscribers only. This is great way to re-engage subscribers who have gone cold.
- Send out an email when a customer has contacted your support department. Let them know you received their problem and that it’s being addressed.
- Send a “Why are you here?” email that asks the customer what made them sign up, what they are hoping to learn and how you can help.
- Create a beginner’s guide or a series of beginner’s guide emails.
- Share interviews of industry experts.
- Share advice from other experts.
- Share a calendar of your upcoming events your company has happening.
Besides sending the normal welcome emails or sales emails, there are many reasons to send emails to your subscribers. Providing relevant information, updates on your company and building relationships are always good reasons.